Begin to Achieve Your Ideal Weight in 4 Easy Steps


Despite what you may have heard your whole life, you CAN begin to shed those unwanted pounds without going to the gym every day.


You can actually train your brain to eat less food and lose weight without exercise! Then once you lose the weight, you will feel like exercising for your health.

  1. Learn the four “W’s” of your eating habits.
    You may not realize this, but your daily caloric intake is based on the food habits you have developed throughout your life. Start to become aware of your food habits. Where, when, why, and what do you eat? Do you tend to eat fried foods or sweets when you are stressed? Maybe you nibble the entire time you are cooking. Find different ways to interrupt and change these subconscious eating habits and food choices. Train yourself to stop and analyze the four “W’s” before you take the first bite.
  2. Visualize your ideal body image.
    Everyone has a number in their mind that represents their ideal weight. Take that “ideal weight” and add or subtract one pound to reframe your belief system surrounding achieving that goal. The brain will pick it up and help you lose the weight because you have changed the desired outcome. 
  3.  Add one extra movement a day to your routine.
    Park at the other end of the parking lot; take the stairs up one flight instead of taking the elevator, or walk to your neighbor’s mailbox and back. Be sure to set small goals so you can achieve them. As you start to see the weight drop off, and as you achieve these small steps, you will be encouraged to add more movement to your day. 
  4.  Acknowledge you are Perfect Enough now and achieving your ideal body weight will be a bonus.
    STOP all physical criticism. Every time you look into the mirror, say something positive about yourself. Get a dry-erase marker and write a positive statement on your mirror such as, “I am achieving my ideal body weight.”

Losing weight can be easy. Also, if you listen to my CDs you will achieve faster results through relaxation and mental imagery that targets your subconscious mind and makes achieving your ideal weight even easier.

Call 561.841.7306 and schedule you appointment today.